Explore our products
Conventional car batteries
Stop/Start car batteries
Hybrid & EV car batteries
4WD & SUV Batteries
Marine & Boat batteries
Motorcycle & Powersport batteries
Deep Cycle batteries
Lithium Deep Cycle batteries
Truck & Heavy Equipment batteries
Lawn Mower batteries
Chargers and Accessories
Optima batteries
Stationary Power
Testing & Diagnostic Equipment

Celebrating 95 Years of Australian Manufacturing
We’re proud to have been designing and building our iconic Century Batteries right here in Australia since 1928. For over 95 years we've been building them from the ground up to better suit Australia’s extreme climate and harsh conditions.

Maximising Battery Life
The battery is the most vital piece of equipment in your vehicle. Your vehicle could be from a reputable manufacturer, be well maintained, have a full tank of fuel and fitted with brand new tyres - but if you've got a flat battery you won't be going anywhere.

Century Batteries is the Official Battery of the Supercars Championship.
Century is proud to be the Official Battery Partner of the Repco Supercars Championship, which is the premier motorsport category in Australasia and one of Australia’s biggest sports. Globally, it is recognised as the best touring car category in the world and a leader in motorsport entertainment.